
P1070486 P1070499 "Are you having nut roast for Christmas?" Absolutely nut. I don't know why people seem to think that the only veggie option is nut roast. I've never had it, nor do I have the desire to have it. All I can imagine is a dry lump getting stuck in my throat. I am sure there are some decent ones out there but I'll leave them for someone else to eat and I'll stick to my pastry and veg and cheeeeeese please.

DSC_0172 DSC_0140Let's talk about me and my attempt to be fit and healthy. I'm not very good at it. My excuse? Work. The real reason? Lack of motivation/pizza. All the pizza. But also, kinda work. Since coming back from Kenya, on a number of occasions I have said "I don't feel right in my body". Meaning, my bod needs some fruit, veg and vitamins and such. My heart rate needs to be raised a little. And unfortunately the increase in heart rate caused by the anticipation of watching the dominos pizza tracker probably doesn't count as "cardio". I wish. I know the root of the problem is me. But I am about to launch an attack on Social Media....