wholegrain Tag

I am gonna get real with you now and speak some truths. Social media is a great communicative tool but it is also the worst thing man has invented. One too many times I have found myself feeling "upset" or "annoyed", to some extent, due to internetty things. I woke-up one morning to discover, to my horror, that I had lost 12 instagram followers over night! I was in shock. I was anxious. I was like "WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?!" After a good few minutes of searching through my list of followers I slowly calmed down. I remembered real life. I remembered nature and animals. Most importantly, I remembered enjoying food in real life and how a picture of food is NOTHING in comparison. As if I got upset that a number decreased. In the real world, what does that even mean?! Is the number of instagram followers I have going to define my life? HELLZ NO!