
Making pies/tarts can be scary, right? Pastry can seem fiddly and unpredictable. Sometimes it’ll shrink when you bake it, sometimes it’ll crumble and crack. WHY?! Well I definitely don’t have the answers for you 🙃 but I highly recommend buying Julie Jones’ recipe book “Soulful Baker”. Her sweet shortcrust pastry recipe has never failed me and she troubleshoots many of those common problems we all encounter. 
If you’re up for trying to make some marmalade yourself, I used Delia Smith’s recipe, which you can find here, and swapped seville oranges for blood oranges. 
Continue reading for some Top Tips or skip down to the recipe if you don't care 🤙🏾

KB is back in town, KB is back in tooowwwn (sang to the tune of Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys are Back in Town”. It’s 2020 and it’s time I got back to blodgging. The plan is to share a couple of recipes a month, some old favourites, some new. Some sweet, some savoury. Might even do a tutorial here and there for the keen bakers out there. Each post will be kept short and sweet with easy to digest information and a delicious treat at the end of it for you!

Let me just blow the dust of this keyboard. Hello, and welcome back! 🤗 Not sure if I am welcoming you or myself! A lot has happened since we last spoke. I am back in England trying to launch my business. Did you know you can now order baked goods from KB.eats so you don't just have to drool longingly at the screen! Click here for more info on that and click here to see what I have been baking. I want to change the way I blog. It's going to be short and sweet from now on. A few pics and even fewer words. Why? When I am looking for recipes I hate having to scroll and scroll until I actually reach the recipe, so why should I put my readers through that same hassle. Maybe I will create a separate section for my ramblings. Don't hold your breathe though. lol.