March 2020

To say I am stressed about the current situation is an understatement. Whilst I realise how fortunate I am compared to a lot of other people who can't continue working or get paid, the thought of having to stop baking purely because of people's greed and panic stockpiling, does not sit well. Are people honestly going to be making bread and eating that much pasta?!
I worry about elderly people and those less fortunate who can't afford to be rushing out and buying every last tube of penne or toilet paper. It's very hard to not get upset when you see how people are behaving. On the one hand you have the hoarders and on the other you have those who think the virus isn't a big deal and they won't be affected by it. My friend who is a nurse nailed it when she said "We should all be acting responsibility to protect those that are vulnerable and to try slow the impact on the NHS". We must think of others not just ourselves.

I have made the decision to only continue business for as long as I can get my usual ingredients. I will not be using whatever I can get my hands on as it is important for me to maintain the high standards I have set for what KB.eats offers. I only want to produce the best treats for my customers and I would rather halt business for a bit than compromise on this.