Author: Karishma Bharti

DSC_0269 DSC_0257 You thought I'd stopped blogging, didn't you? I actually thought I wouldn't be able to anymore but I'm trying to set aside a bit of time. So what on earth have I been up to then?! Well, KB.eats cakes are now being sold in two cafes in Dalston/Hackney. Cooper & Wolf, Chatsworth Road E5, have 2 loaves delivered 4 times a week and Reilly Rocket, Kingsland Road E8, get some treats every weekend. As you can imagine I now spend a whole lot of time baking! As well as that I am working two other jobs!

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset DSC_0249I very nearly didn’t post this recipe because the eclairs didn’t come out quite as I’d imagined they would. Technically the pastry was, as far as I could tell, great, as was the creme patissiere. It was just the piping of the eclairs that let me down. I chose a nozzle that was too thin so the eclairs didn’t come out quite as wide as they were supposed to which meant that when I sliced them they tore quite easily ?

P1070642 P1070618 Some evenings I come home from work, sit down with my notebook and plan recipes. I usually come up ideas on the walk from the tube station to my house. Don't know why, but that's always when I get my best ideas. I plan each months recipes based on what's in season and/or what I fancy making at the time. I had not planned to have two doughnutty recipes this month. But it happened and I doughnut have any regrets.