
It's good to be home. I don't just mean my physical home in little old England. I mean home as in this here blog. It's been an unbelievably long time since I've posted on here. My excuse? I was out of the country. Why didn't I blog whilst I was away you might ask. Well I did, just not on here. I also didn't want to post poor quality pictures and I was only able to upload pics from my phone for the travel blog I wrote. I hope you find these feeble excuses acceptable. I have a million billion things planned for our KB.eats for the New Year, so I will be making up for lost time. I feel like this is gonna end up being a rather lengthy post. I have so much to say to y'all! First off, if you want to read in detail about my trip to Peru, check out my travel blog here. I am obviously going to tell you a bit about it now, but my focus will mainly be on the food. Obvz. For those of you who are friends with me on facebook, there's a 376 photo album waiting for you to peruse. HA I totally didn't even to use a pun there. I just use them so much now they come out without me even having to consciously think about it.

My goodness, once again it has been a while. What excuse have I got for you this time then eh? Weeeeell I have been holidaying in Singapore and Borneo (insert monkey covering eyes emoji here). I can't even bring myself to apologise. Not sure who I'd be apologising to anyways. At the rate I've been going, I've probably lost any regular readership I did have (insert pained expression emoji here). I hope that my mother at least is still reading this. I know I've got some work to do to win you back, and win you back I shall! Yesterday I tried out two recipes, one of which I am sharing with you now, and today I have two more lined up. I can only hope my efforts are sufficient, and your affection is once again mine. Enough grovelling. Let me tell you a bit more about my holidays :)