Pies & Tarts

DSC_0048 DSC_0081Sweet baby J, how is it already the end of September?! This year has gone by unreasonably quickly. I have posted a shockingly small amount of recipes as well :( I've got a new burst of inspiration from The Great British Bake Off though! I was a bit late in starting and watched 4 episodes in one night in a bid to catch up. I am so glad I did. I've literally just watched the pastry one and look what I have here, a frangipane recipe!

In the strange old world of the internet, it is a well known fact that people can be mean. Whether it's a particularly aggressive youtube commenter or an opinionated butt on twitter, keyboard warriors are hard to avoid! However, there is also a corner of the internet full of nice people who are just going about doing their thang, not wanting to cause offence to anyone. These are the nice people who you can end up forming some sort of social media based friendship with! I've made myself a lovely internet pal, Juliet, who runs Juliet Oscar Yankee; "The magazine for grown up children".

It seems like forever since we last spoke!  It's been a busy ol' couple of weeks! Last friday I completed an intensive 2 week Level 1 British Sign Language Course which was great! I was amazed at how quickly I picked up (some) of the signs and learnt an awful lot about the deaf community. Very insightful. In between the sign language course I picniced, I swam in Hampstead Heath lido, I went to Liverpool for me pal's birthday, I went to Essex for me other pal's birthday and got very little sleep! You will be hearing a lot more from me now though, you might even get more than 1 post a week. That's right. That means even more bad jokes and, most importantly, pictures of food!