
DSC_0012 DSC_0036I've moved house! No more gross housemates stealing my food who live like pigs keeping me up all night. I've got a lovely modern kitchen which I share with just two other lovely gentlemen. The only challenge I face now is dealing with the lack of natural light. Thus far I have resisted getting any sort of lighting to assist my photography but I think it may be time. Basement flat life eh. 

DSC_0186 DSC_0182I am off to Kenya today. It seems the only time I actually find to blog is right before I am about to go away somewhere. Last time it was Glastonbury. I was going to share photos of what I ate but I somehow only managed to take 2 photos both of which are of things I ate and shared with you last year. D'oh. So let's just say I ate a lot of good food at Glastonbury and some not so great food. My favourite vendors were; Buddha Bowl, Tea & Toast, The Cheese Truck and The Hippy Chippy. If you see any of these guys at festivals you go to, hit 'em up! (So I've actually been to Kenya and come back since I began writing this post. Whoops)

I may have mentioned this before but I do love a good picnic. What more can you want from your summer than to lie in the sun, eating and listening to music? I therefore decided I wanted to make July picnic month on this here KB.eats! I recently purchased (and by I, I mean Mother) a coupla new mini cake trays, one rectangular and one for sandwich cakes, so I thought mini cakes would be a great place to start for the picnic recipes! Oh yeah this is a 2 in 1 recipe post! That's right, two recipes in one post, OUTRAGEOUS!
Now I can hear the uproar building in the distance already as there is cream on the cakes and we all know cream isn't really that picnic friendly. Fear not, cream is not essential for either of the cakes, it just makes for a nice indulgent treat if you are perhaps having the picnic at home or having a garden party of sorts.
I just realised I haven't told you guys a joke in a while...
Do you know any sodium jokes?