
P1070511 P1070513 "These are probably the best chocoalates I've ever had!" "This chocolate is amazing!" "The orange one is like Terry's x 1 million!" "It feels so good in my mouth." It's safe to say these chocolatey treats are a BIG hit! You wouldn't believe how easy they are to make either. Some of you die hard fans might be a bit like "Didn't you post this recipe before?!" You're right, I did. Buuuuut since then I've jazzed them up a bit with Cardamom & Vanilla and Orange. I personally like the Cardamom & Vanilla ones best, but to be honest, they are both so dang delicious.

DSC_0012 DSC_0036I've moved house! No more gross housemates stealing my food who live like pigs keeping me up all night. I've got a lovely modern kitchen which I share with just two other lovely gentlemen. The only challenge I face now is dealing with the lack of natural light. Thus far I have resisted getting any sort of lighting to assist my photography but I think it may be time. Basement flat life eh. 

DSC_0048 DSC_0081Sweet baby J, how is it already the end of September?! This year has gone by unreasonably quickly. I have posted a shockingly small amount of recipes as well :( I've got a new burst of inspiration from The Great British Bake Off though! I was a bit late in starting and watched 4 episodes in one night in a bid to catch up. I am so glad I did. I've literally just watched the pastry one and look what I have here, a frangipane recipe!