Breads & Loaves

DSC_0209DSC_0206Is it "yoghurt" or "yogurt"?! I have always spelt it "yoghurt", but noticed that it's spelt "yogurt" on a lot of packaging these days, so I googled it. "Yoghurt" is the English (correct) way of spelling it and "yogurt" is the American (incorrect) way of spelling it. It would seem that people in jolly ol' England have adopted the yank's spelling. I however, will continue spelling it the English (correct) way. I am so glad we've cleared that up. Don't get me started on "doughnut" and "donut"...

I am gonna get real with you now and speak some truths. Social media is a great communicative tool but it is also the worst thing man has invented. One too many times I have found myself feeling "upset" or "annoyed", to some extent, due to internetty things. I woke-up one morning to discover, to my horror, that I had lost 12 instagram followers over night! I was in shock. I was anxious. I was like "WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG?!" After a good few minutes of searching through my list of followers I slowly calmed down. I remembered real life. I remembered nature and animals. Most importantly, I remembered enjoying food in real life and how a picture of food is NOTHING in comparison. As if I got upset that a number decreased. In the real world, what does that even mean?! Is the number of instagram followers I have going to define my life? HELLZ NO!

Today is Mothering Sunday! I like the fact that you have a day dedicated to Mothers. There should be more days for them in fact! Think about all the things your Mother has done/does for you, aside from the small matter of birthing you. I have mentioned my Mum a few times on my blog. And what?! I will continue to mention her as an when I please! Mainly because she is my main influence when it comes to cooking. And talking loudly. You can thank her for that too! People come from far and wide to sample my Mum's cooking. That may or may not be a slight exaggeration, but I just wanted to make clear just how good her food is. It is bloody fantastic. There are very few things she makes that I don't like. If I don't like something, chances are, I am the fussy one, and her cooking is not to blame! Except that one time she made soup and put too much lemon in. Oh and those rock cakes she made that were really like rocks.